
Showing posts from September, 2014

What I've Learned From Living a Healthy Lifestyle

According to myfitnesspal (an amazing app I'm using for counting calories and tracking exercise), I've logged in for 49 days so far!  I've made it through a month and it feels like such an accomplishment. ヽ(*´Д`*)ノ  I've also lost 4 kg~!!!  I found out about myfitnesspal through a nutrition class I was required to take a few years ago.  I remember absolutely hating counting calories.  I thought it was depressing and a nuisance.  But that was when I was younger and stupid.  Counting calories has never been easier.  I think it's improved greatly over the years because now, it's an app available on the phone where you can conveniently scan a barcode on a food product. On top of counting calories, I've also taken up treadmill running.  I try to run every other day and I've started to up that to a couple more days a week. ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ  I just need to keep in mind that a person should always allow their body at least one day a week off from ...