
Showing posts from June, 2014

Back from vacay and sick! D:

Hello again! Apologies for not posting in so long.  Where have I been all this time? In Hawaii-!!!   More specifically, on the island of Oahu.  I decided to go back with dad to visit family and some friends.  Especially Grams.  I always feel sad when leaving her because she always says how she will miss us when we leave and that she misses us when we're not there.  It's heart wrenching. ( > ^ < )  We spent a lot of time together while we were still living on Oahu. It was a nice trip, besides the fact that I was sick with a cough on my way there.  Coughs really suck for me because they don't seem to want to go away.  Even when the congestion is gone, the stupid cough persists for weeks..  And get this, I actually got sick AGAIN when leaving.  It's like, I had my first cold while going there, then it may or may not have gone away, and then I catch another cold for my trip back home.  Thanks Hawaii! (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ Now I...