Can't get to sleep so I'm writing this...
So right now, I'm just awake and even though I pulled an all-nighter from yesterday, I still can't get to sleep at this time. -__- It's funny when I think about it. Today, I went out with my mom shopping for wedding outfits. She needed a dress so I helped her out in picking one. We also looked in a few shoe stores because I insisted that I might need new dress shoes. After looking through all these shoes, I realized that I really don't need them. I find it so amusing that I have to physically go to the store and actually look through all the shoes to realize this. The way my mind works still baffles me. I finally went out and bought new acrylic paints today so maybe now, I'll finally get started on painting. Before summer, I promised myself that I would work on art stuff this summer since I wasn't going to school. It's also to help me because I'm the type of person who feels depressed if I'm not doing anything productive and I do count a...